Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan 23rd - If We Were Fish

I took some notes during class:

Micro-dot = is a dot of information. The rational is our micro-dot!

“If We Were Fish”

What do we see?
What catches our attention?
Where have we seen this before?
What does it remind us of?
How do we feel about it?
How does it fit in?
Where do we get excited?
What things belong here? Or not?
What place does it hold?
What would we like to know?
What patterns are evident?
How does it adapt?
What is its quality? Beauty?
How does it celebrate life?
How will be come to know it?
How will it give back to life?
How will it belong here?
When will be truly know that it belongs here?
Storm characteristics: Same as humans and the built environment
· Agent to transformation
· Constructive/Destructive
· Dynamic Events
· Is a place and a process

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